
We believe that owning a wine cellar is a state of pride and happiness mixed with a sense of responsibility. We believe in our common values and the overwhelming beauty of our Cellar Village. We believe that wine-loving people who visit us once will return again. And some may even consider buying their own wine cellar in the Monor Cellar Village.

Monor Cellar Village

Monor Cellar Village

Kunság Wine Region

The Kunság Wine Region, located in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, is the largest of Hungary’s wine regions. Most of its wines are table wines with moderate acids and mild flavors. Their sugar and alcohol content is often considerably high.
In earlier times most of the vineyards were planted in the region to stabilize blowing sand. The wine produced here is known as homoki bor (wine of the sand). Although there are some excellent examples of quality homoki bor, the best known product of the region is the so-called pub wine, which has become an important part of its everyday life.

Monor Cellar Village

The Monor Cellar Village is situated about 30 kilometers from Budapest. At present it has approximately 960 wine cellars forming a village-like settlement (see map), a rare sight not only in Hungary but in Europe, too. The architectural style of the village is more or less uniform. However, its individual buildings fall under one of six types. Most of the wine cellars serve individual needs but now more and more offer good quality catering to wine tourists, too.

Wine tours in Monor Cellar Village

Why is it so nice to hang around in the Monor Cellar Village?
Find out for yourself! Take a short walk on Strázsa Hill with just three stops but a thousand impressions. Inhale the atmosphere of the wine region: cellar-spotted landscape, fresh air, good wines, good food and good moods. Hardly traveling beyond the limits of Budapest, plunge into a real grape & wine experience with beautiful old cellars, architectural relics, and fresh wines.