Nationwide photo competition

„Vannak vidékek legbelül” ( There are districts in the heart of the country and in the soul of people – from a poem of Sándor Kányádi) – nationwide photo competition
With the cooperation of Monor Környéki Strázsa Borrend (Monor Environ Strázsa Wineorder) and Az ihatóbb Magyarországért Egyesület (The Organization for More Drinkable Hungary), the BORTÁRS Film Festival invites applications for photo competition with the title of „Vannak vidékek legbelül”, in the topic of wine and grape culture. Both amateur and professional photographers can take part in the competition.

We are waiting for photos taken during the last 5 years (which did not appear in our competition before) in the following categories:
- Wine districts (landscapes and architecture)
- vine-growers and oenologists (people, faces and activites)
- the soul of wine/grape (liric atmosphere, picture poetry)

Deadline: 1st may 2015
One photographer can send not more than 3 photos per category.

Technical requirements:
- 100% quality JPEG format
- embeded Adobe RGB with colourprofile
- risoluzione: longer side 2500px (in the case of wide cyclorama 3500px) the original photo should be at least 6mpx
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Main prize (in each category):  HUF50000

In the case of both photo competitions the organizers will enlarge the best photos (judged by the jury). The exhibited enlargements will become the part of the collection of KultPince.
Regard for the copy right, the photographers allow the public appearance of their pictures labelled with the name of the owner.

The prize giving ceremony will take place on the day of the Festival os Wine Regions' Weekend on 6th  of June 2015.

The best, or prize winning photos will be exhibited aduring the Festival and later in Vigadó Cultural and Civil Centre in Monor.