
Why is it so nice to hang around in the Monor Cellar Village?

Find out for yourself! Take a short walk on Strázsa Hill with just three stops but a thousand impressions. Inhale the atmosphere of the wine region: cellar-spotted landscape, fresh air, good wines, good food and good moods. Hardly traveling beyond the limits of Budapest, plunge into a real grape & wine experience with beautiful old cellars, architectural relics, and fresh wines.

Wine Regions’ Weekend on Strázsa Hill 2013

Monor is a place of happenings. Again and again Strázsa Hill cellars get busy and bubbly with life. The flagship is the KultPince Wine Cellar, a cellar building wonderfully refurbished and turned into a universal event venue. But there are runner-ups, too. The cellars have realized that unity makes strength. And the Wine Regions’ Weekend, held for a second time already this year, is a perfect example of the power of cooperation.