Wine Regions’ Weekend on Strázsa Hill

Monor is a place of happenings. Again and again Strázsa Hill cellars get busy and bubbly with life. The flagship is the KultPince Wine Cellar, a cellar building wonderfully refurbished and turned into a universal event venue. But there are runner-ups, too. The cellars have realized that unity makes strength. And the Wine Regions’ Weekend, held for a second time already this year, is a perfect example of the power of cooperation.
The Monor Cellar Village is situated about 30 kilometers from Budapest. At present it has approximately 960 wine cellars forming a village-like settlement (see map), a rare sight not only in Hungary but in Europe, too. The architectural style of the village is more or less uniform. However, its individual buildings fall under one of six types. Most of the wine cellars serve individual needs but now more and more offer good quality catering to wine tourists, too.

Article by Gábriel István Nyulasi, President of the Association for Hungarian Wine Culture